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February 22 is Pink Shirt Day – In Support of Anti Bullying

February is a busy month, Black History, Cancer Awareness and Anti Bullying Awareness. Unique Media wants to show their support along with our local schools and the Durham Regional Police, by wearing pink in support of Anti Bullying.

Pink Shirt day started in a small Nova Scotia high school, in 2007. One student was the target of bullying with homophobic remarks for wearing a pink shirt to school. In response to the bullying, two of his peers organized the student body to take a stand against the bullying. They purchased pink shirts and distributed them to their fellow classmates to wear in support for the bullied student. From 2008, onwards schools across Canada have followed suit with their own campaigns.

If you are a victim of bullying or know of someone who is, confide in someone you trust, a teacher, a co-worker, police, friend or parent. No one has to deal with the situation alone.

For Emergency Call – 911
Non Emergency Call – 1 (888) 579-1520

Join UMS in the fight against Bullying use the #PinkShirtDay in all of your Instagram, Facebook and Tweets!